As one of the largest contractors in the field of open mines extraction, Ahan Ajin Mineral Co. has started its activity from 1994, and has extracted over 800 mton of minerals, together with extraction, loading, tailing, plus reservoir dams and dissemination dams and 35 mcm earthfilling in Iran.
Regarding improvement of its processes, this company has implemented the standards ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015, ISO45001:2018, and HSE-MS from 2014 regarding its organizational columns (perspective, mission, values) in order to attain continuous development and accomplish the following goals in its strategic management system:
- Satisfaction of all beneficiaries
- Development of services
- Enabling human capital
- Promotion of HSE
Ahan Ajin Mineral Co. believes that using standards affects performance and productivity, sine they are a common language between different departments of an organization and its beneficiaries (especially clients). In fact, implementation of IMS either produces a risk-based thinking or provides preventive actions regarding organizational knowledge and standardization and produces mechanisms for confident about proper performance coinciding with legal requirements and views of clients, which helps the staff of this company.
Active membership in Iran Mine House and in Mine Engineering System and Iran Stone Association is the other activities of this company during the recent years.
Now, Ahan Ajin Mineral Co. has the highest rank in land exploration, water, industry and mine fields in the State Management & Planning Organization.